Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Women Want a Challenge, Women Need a Challenge...and Those Flowers Can be Laid on Your Relationship's Grave

I will try to keep this short and sweet, but like the mighty Colorado River, these thoughts must flow. Men, yes men, I'm looking at you! The time for putting away childish thoughts of romance has come, Hell, most of these interpretations by men come off creepy anyway. In my time-especially more recently- I have seen such desperation flow from the tongue's of those, who based on outward appearance alone, should be considered grown men. Desperation that fills the room(even via technological device), akin to the smell filling the vents of your vehicle when a skunk has met his demise down the roadway. I am not "hating" on you guys, I am simply bringing to light this point that is so glaringly obvious to everyone(ESPECIALLY WOMEN), that it could do battle with the sun for the rights to light the sky on a nice day in June.

Let me preface this real quick, it is not entirely your fault, kinda. You see, men have recently become so spineless in their fear of rejection by women, that they have come to follow a woman's lead on how to proceed when their heart's pitter-patter with desire. This is incorrect for several reasons, most importantly the fact that men and women are completely different in nearly every way possible. Since a women is brought up from a very young age to feel like she is a "princess," her standards for a partner in the relationship department are at an all time high. No matter how hard you try, you will probably never fit this bill, because it is impossible to be the impossible. Therefore, when you try your hardest to be what she says she wants, you fall extremely short of what she is biologically programmed to need.

Women are biologically programmed to seek out the best mate, not only for procreation purposes, but for protection. The term "nice guys finish last" and "women always go for the bad boy" come to mind. Ever wonder why? It's because these women cannot help but follow a confident, "Alpha" male's lead. They are programmed to think of him as a top catch, because in the most prehistoric section of their brain, he represents the key attributes for their ultimate survival as well as their offspring's success and survival.(very important back in the day.)

Now for my take, this all came about because of a new roommate I obtained of the opposite sex. I absolutely did not require, nor "want" a "roommate" but I am doing her a favor because she is in need of a place to stay. Enough said about that, though one detail that I have learned from this experience is how hard the guys chase her, how little I do, and who ultimately wins. You see, after my last failed relationship a few years ago, I adopted an attitude of "who cares" when it comes to women. I have never in my life been keen to chase women to begin with, but I do admit that in my past, once I had "landed" a woman, the pressure I put on the relationship itself to keep it steady/reliable was admittedly intense to say the least. What did this do? Everything negatively possible, though I thought it would do the opposite. Let me explain, you see I would buy flowers too often, say sweet things too often, cook dinner, clean her car, write poetry, run bubble baths, you get the idea, all the stupid shit that Disney would have you believe is what women want....WRONG! All that did was make me overly accessible, weak, and unmanly(Beta male) in her eyes. NOT THE CHALLENGE SHE NEEDED. *see title above*

By now I'm assuming that some of you out there are thinking, "What the eff is this dude talking about?" and I guess that's is fair, we don't technically know each other, and I might be some evil-doer trying to sabotage your relationship right? Wrong again Buckaroo! For proof, let's revisit the roommate situation. She is pretty, cool, funny, stylish, really smart (admittedly though, I just don't see her that way, but a great catch for anyone/everyone nonetheless)and has no less than 15 dudes a day on her Facebook/Instagram trying to hit her up with lovey-dovey nice guy BS. You know the, "WOW, your soo pretty, " to the "OMG... we should hang out sometime" all the way to the "please date me"(not even bullshitting, I laughed at that one) My point? whose bed do you think she is in whenever "I" want it? that's right! ding ding ding. The reason? because I no longer do all that pathetic shit I told you I used to do. She tells me about these guys, I laugh. She says they want her, I laugh harder. On the other side of the coin, simply because of their overtness in their approach, she will never want or see them that way either, get it?

 The great thing is, I really don't care. There are 7 billion people on the planet, roughly half women, do the math! See, I don't want to, nor do I, "own" anyone, people are free to do whatever the hell they want with their one and only life. The benefit of this outlook though, is that it makes me desirable, because not many people adopt this belief wholeheartedly... WINNING!!!

You see, men, pathetic "Beta" or not, have this innate feeling for some sort of control in their lives. From the career they want, to the car they drive, to the women they want or "need." *tear, tear* That is all fine and good, but when it comes to women, you have to fight that urge to control them. Let them go, let them do whatever they want, Hell, give them the freedom/option/chance/choice to cheat on you openly (they won't,) and they will come back each and every time. It's like Leo Dicaprio's character in the movie Catch Me If You Can. They are only going to run if you chase them. Most if not all women get off on the chase aspect, whether subliminally or not, because they confuse it with desirability, immature desirability. If you sit back with a "I don't give a shit attitude," this is completely foreign to them because they are used to being chased from as early as the playground days, and if you don't chase, this is unnatural to them, and they want to figure out why. THAT, is why the "jerks" get all the women, and the "nice guys" flog themselves to sleep at night, because they lost sight of who they were, followed the lead of emotional thinkers(women), and became something not valuable enough to keep or want. Now look, I'm not saying that this is the best way to go about each and every relationship(every one of them are different), but most could learn a lot from this attitude and viewpoint.

It is not enough to pretend to be the way I describe, you have to truly own it and be it. You have one life on this Earth that can end at anytime, be who you want to be, not something your not. Be happy, smile a lot, and never let anyone bring you down. You are responsible for your own happiness, and they are responsible for theirs. PEACE!!

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